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Zoocooler™ Portable Cooling Fan

Zoocooler™ Portable Cooling Fan

79 total reviews

Regular price $29.99
Regular price $59.99 Sale price $29.99
Sale Sold out
  • Best price
  • Easy Returns
  • #1 Summer Favorite

⚠️NOTE: Due to overwhelming demand, we are selling out fast. Get yours now while stock lasts!

❄️ Beat the Heat This Summer with the ZooCooler™ ❄️

Looking to stay cool without cranking up the AC? The ZooCooler™ is your chill buddy, ready to make those scorching summer days more bearable. Fill it with water and ice, and let it do its thing — cooling the air around you while keeping your energy bills low.

Best Mini Ice Cooler | Air Humidifier and Purifier in USA

Cool Features:

  • Ice-Powered Chill: Just add ice and water for an extra fresh breeze. Who needs a pool?
  • Totally Portable: Move it around anywhere you go—perfect for both indoor sighs of relief and outdoor adventures.

  • Speed Control: You’re in charge. Adjust the settings to find your ideal cool.
  • Energy Saver: Uses way less power than your typical AC, so you can stay cool without the guilt.
  • Quiet as a Mouse: It won’t bug you with noise, making it ideal for nights, naps, and work days.

Best Mini Ice Cooler | Air Humidifier and Purifier in USA

Grab your ZooCooler™ and start enjoying a cooler environment with the coolest fan around. It’s summer, after all — why sweat it?


Cool-Mist Fusion

Optimal Cooling and Hydration Enjoy the perfect blend of cooling and moisturizing as this device doubles as both a fan and a humidifier!

Sleek, Compact Design

Sleek, Compact Design
This fan features a stylish, modern design that saves space and complements any room decor!

Easy-to-Use Controls

Easy-to-Use Controls
Adjust and personalize your settings effortlessly with the user-friendly control panel!

Aromatherapy Delight

Aromatherapy Delight
Infuse the air with your chosen essential oils or perfumes to create a calming, customized atmosphere!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 79 reviews
Lemuel Funk

It's gorgeous! I like it too much. Very useful, comfortable, and cool :)

Mariah Leuschke

It is a great product and it shipped in time. I noticed that the fan's actually powerful and reaches me wherever I am.

Melba Schmeler

It's really convenient.

Ettie Lowe


Jackie Toy

It is perfect, I asked for another two and it is very refreshing and I haven't even put water in yet👌🏻


How long does the water last in the ZooCooler™?

The duration varies based on how much ice you use. Add more ice for extended cooling—great for any activity or time of day.

Will the ZooCooler™ grow mold?

Keep it clean like any humidifier. Regular emptying and wiping down will prevent mold buildup and keep it fresh.

Does the ZooCooler™ need to charge?

Yes, it operates on a rechargeable battery. Charge it regularly to ensure it’s ready whenever you need a cool breeze.

How long does it stay on?

It can run up to 8 hours on a full charge, depending on your settings. Ideal for both short bursts of cool air or overnight use.